This is the artistic concept of a Dyson sphere being built which was using nearby planet as raw material for its construction

The sun is the strongest energy source in our solar system; Every second, it releases 600 million tons of hydrogen, as hydrogen is burned as fuel to produce heat and light, it will provide us with energy for another 5 billion years, but after that if humanity survived until that moment, what will be the source of energy for us, because in few years our oil refinery will dried up, so this post will provide us enough knowledge about the below 3 questions

What is the Dyson sphere?

How long will it take to build it?

Where would we find the material for its construction?

Freeman Dyson

theoretical physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson speaks during new space exploration initiative  at one world observatory on 12 April,2016 in Yew York city, photo credit from

In 1960, astrophysicist Freeman Dyson theorized a civilization that found a way to meet the increasing demand for energy and space through the help of the Dyson sphere.Dyson imagined a civilization far more advanced than our own and the energy it would need to sustain itself .at some point the civilization would run out of energy on its home planet, so would likely turn to its solar system for alternative resources. Dyson imagined building a massive, circular structure to enclose the home star, in some way absorbing its energy output like super advanced solar panels.

NASA earth observatory calculates that just 1360 of those watts reaches every square meter of earth’s atmosphere during daylight , clearly our planet receives enough to survive but that’s a lot of energy loss between our earth and our star right now in regard to human energy consumption we are not even making the most of what we do get , although gradual conversion toward solar panels in recent years has pushed us towards becoming more efficient nevertheless here we can also think of using our suns energy when it will be converted into white dwarf but its not possible to know more about it visit this website( ), as human civilization grows and grows , it’s expected to require more and more energy , while having to manage and move away from depleting fossil fuel reserves . All things considered a Dyson sphere will solve a lot of problems.

Benefits of Dyson sphere

The picture shown above is of Dyson ring as initially we will be not having that much resources but after getting some energy by initial ring we can create some more rings to create a full Dyson sphere

Now this image shows about a Dyson swarm which is revolving around the sun to maintain themselves falling into the sun

We are currently using only 1.3% of solar energy, but think if we could use 100% of it our planet would certainly change a lot, it can be done with the help of a Dyson sphere, a Dyson sphere is a solid shell  surrounding a star, in our case, is the sun; theoretically, if we built a Dyson, we would have access to the whopping 400 septa watts of solar energy we consume today, because our sun is a huge furnace 100 billion times more powerful than ours most efficient nuclear reactor, it shines with energy  more than a trillion nuclear bombs per second, but if we make a small gravitational pull toward the sun, we make our solid sphere uninhabitable, or a meteor attack can easily form a cavity in the sphere and completely destroy its functionality.

Therefore, instead of the Dyson sphere, we can use the Dyson swarm, they are more reliable, because the Dyson swarm will consists of many small metal sheets that can reflect the sun's energy at a specific point that can be further converted into the shape. Energy we can. Use. Here, the satellite plate is a square kilometer of what we needed about 30 quadrillion to surround the sun.

To realize our Dyson swarm dream, we need a lot of material that we can find on our nearby planet like mercury,

which is very close to the sun, we can use it easily and we will use all its resources because there the pressure is zero, our satellite can be launched more easily from there than our earth, but due to the abundance of mercury resources we can form a rocket launcher that can work with electromagnetic force because it  can push the rocket to a high speed, because the rocket must overcome the gravity of mercury, which is 3.7 meters per second square, and also the gravity of the sun, which is massive 274 meters per second, because we want our rocket not to be inhaled by the sun, after we are done using mercury resources, we can also use our asteroid belt,

because we now have enough  from mercury energy to use them as well.  Now there is a question of how long it would take to build it completely, since we are able to harness the energy of mercury, it would take about 15 years to use the energy of the sun, as we initially need to provide energy for the formation of a satellite. Only after the satellite formed will provide energy for the formation of another satellite will the two satellites now form two more satellites and this chain will rise more than 60 times twice just to completely surround our star.


  Now, due to the formation of Dyson swarm, Earth's environment will naturally enjoy an almost infinite source of energy. This global warming, which is the most worrying topic these days, will end. Because of the sheer amount of energy, it could be a start for interstellar civilization as the world's population is increasing, which is about 7.8 billion by 2019, this multitude needs high energy that can be offset by the Dyson sphere. Now jobs for scientists and researchers will be increased, as our humanity wants to further explore our nearby galaxy,you must be knowing which is nearby galaxy

 yes  its Andromeda, and even Kepler 452 b, which is considered the Earth's twin, as it is also in the habitable zone of its star, The Kepler 452 b is twice the mass of our earth and its star is also more massive than our sun.

Can Dyson sphere destroy us?

There is darker side also because it might not always be used for better . theoretically , those working the Dyson sphere could choose to turn off the earth , to purposefully starve it for energy for one reason or another . or else to boil it into oblivion!. Similarly say the sphere malfunctioned we had grind to a total halt without any kind of back up in much the same way as the plain old regular sun is essential to life  and if it ever  went anywhere we would be in serious trouble , we would now be wholly dependent on the great sphere in the sky for as long as it runs smoothly , though a Dyson sphere would trigger other shake ups for our planet energy cost would drop significantly , or else disappear entirely as we had have far more power than we would know what to do with it.

 The Dyson sphere is highly insecure, because just short of a gap between it and the star becomes a burning mess, besides here on earth this high population needs employment, but now as our energy source is fixed, we don't need power station hydraulic power, windmills, solar power plants, and we will now need astronauts to properly maintain our massive structure.

How Dyson sphere will effect sun?

The  sun itself would look different in the sky, too, and we would be probably be able to look straight into it without risking our eyes rather than the glowing orbit it is now , we would see the brightness filtered through the Dyson sphere.
if you want to know about black hole , wormholes or white holes you can surely visit this website
 For more information on Dyson's sphere yo can visit the website, and can surely watch a Star Trek movie.
 For additional questions you can comment, as well as may suggest some more ways to use our stars energy.

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