Humans can survive in this universe as long as we have an energy source, but unfortunately our sun is going to die in 5 billion year it’s a long time, it will surely going to happen no doubt in that
So after suns death what will be the source of our energy, to sustain life on earth, so here comes the white dwarf with lower brightness than sun but more surface temperature than our sun.           
White dwarfs
  They are basically the corpses of dead stars, they are the last hope for humankind after the sun will disappear.
Now, the lives depend upon there masses like ,massive stars burn hot and are fast dying violently in supernova a few million years after their birth , the massive stars finally turns into neutron star or a black hole these stars we will discuss on later.

Now just talk about our favorite star the sun, it comes into category in medium stars due to its mass our have a life span of 15 billion year from which only 5 billion years are left.

It is a huge pressure cooker that fusses hydrogen into helium due to its fusion reaction, in its core through its gravity the fusion of element releases extreme amount of energy that pushes outwards and stabilizes the star keeping it in balance system.
As the star ages fusion will happen in different parts of the stars and produces different elements this process is known as stellar evolution.
When the sun will become old the hydrogen in its core will be exhausted and only helium will be left. so now the sun will start to burn helium into heavier elements , while doing so it will become red giant and will shed its outer layer in which probably mercury Venus and earth will be inhaled by the sun. When this process is over more than half of the suns mass will be lost in space as a nebula with a range of millions of kilometer. After all this process our sun will become a white dwarf with gravity hundred thousand time then our sun, the white dwarfs are usually 40 times more hotter than the sun, but all the inside them is trapped and has nowhere to go only its outer layer cad transmit heat to space with the help of radiation their fore it will take years for white dwarfs to cool down, the white dwarf formed by the sun will be as large as the earth with
M ≤ 1.4 Mo   ≡ Chandrasekhar limit
R ≈ 0.01 Ro
We can also survive when there is white dwarf but we have  to be more closer to it nearly at least 25% of the distance between the sun and the earth,but here the life on the two planes would be difficult as one would extremely hot and other would be extremely cold the ideal place to live there would be near the equilateral might also happen that our star will become some more cool that we can settle on it with an infinite amount of energy and with proper technology, as now also it is too warm for livelihood. 

Here in this image you can see 4 white dwarfs.

Now the question arises where can you can see a white dwarf in night sky?

We know that the brightest star in our night sky is Sirius, scientist proved from experiments that it moving to and fro in the same direction this to and fro motion can be due to black hole or due to a white dwarf, here white comes into play as scientist are also seeing a dim light near Sirius, whose name was gives as Sirius b.

Now after conversion to white dwarf it will convert into black dwarf. The black dwarf does not have any energy left in them but it will take million million million of years yes I am writing it three times. After this amount of times the whole universe will be evaporated only the things left are the black dwarf and black holes, we do not no after that what will happen, but don’t worry this is going to happen after many billion years so currently enjoy our sun forgetting about that it is going to kill us after 5 billion year.
Now lets talk about small sized star , they will become a red dwarf which burn out very slowly and takes trillion of years for exhausting and after that same thing happens to them that formation of a white dwarf. 
now let us talk about some wormholes as they also be needed by us for proper understanding of stars 

Einstein Rosen bridges

The first kind of wormholes to be theorized were Einstein Rosen bridges, they describe every black holes as a sort of portal to an infinite parallel universe. empty space time is a flat but curved around it eventually space time become so warped that it has no choice but to collapse into black hole | a one way barrier from this event horizon in which anything can enter but nothing can escape trapped forever at the singularity at its core but there is possibility be there that there Is no singularity at its core  here one possibility is that the other side of the event horizon looks a bit like our universe again but mirror image of our there time flows backward may be our counter images are present there , in our universe things fall into the black holes but in the parallel there can be a white hole which is spewing things out a bit like a big bang , unfortunately this travel from black hole to white hole will take a infinite amount of time that is even going through speed we can never cross it .

String theory worm holes

Our universe might even have a tangled web of countless wormholes already shortly after the big bang quantum fluctuation in the universe at the smallest scales for smaller than an atom may have created many traversable worm holes ,threaded through them are string called cosmic strings .in the first billionth of the trillionth of of a second after the big bang the ends of these tiny wormholes were pulled light year apart through the universe if wormholes were made in the early universe whether with cosmic strings or some other way they could be all over waiting yet to be discovered by us one might even be closer than we realize from the outside black holes and wormholes look very similar there can be chance that the super massive black hole present in the center of our milky way galaxy can be a worm hole
A worm hole must not contain any event horizon a sit will block our two way travel to nearby planet , the biggest problem is to keep our wormholes open as gravity would like to crush our wormholes to singularity there we would be required some sort of energy to keep it open it should be different from matter and anti-matter an ,exotic matter or negative energy is required.

There is a dark side of worm holes as these worm holes would create time travel paradoxes violating the causal structure of our universe.
 Some Scientists still thinks that wormholes are impossible to exist but don’t worry they are still in our heart and on paper.

But hang on there is a good news for all of you that scientists of autonomous university if Barcelona have created a magnetic wormhole that appears to transfer a magnetic field through quote an extra special dimension.

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