A worm hole is bit like black holes, light from the other side passes through and gives you a window to a faraway places once crossed the other side comes for the interview with your old home.

  Are worm holes real or are they are just a magic disguised as physics a mass, if they are real how do that work and where can we find them?

First we have to know that the empty stage after removing the planets is known as space and it exists unchanging and eternal Einstein theory of relativity changed that it says that space and time make up that stage together and they aren’t the same everywhere, the thing on the stage can affect the stage itself stretching and even warping it. Einstein stage is like a water bed , this kind of stage can bent and may even torn and patched together which could make wormholes possible .
Our universe is just like a large sheet just bent it in just in the right way. Wormholes just could connect two very very distant spots within a short bridge that you could easily cross instantaneously enabling you to travel the universe even faster than the speed of light its quite amazing.
Now where could we find wormholes in night sky, but currently sorry to say they are only on paper, general theory of relativity says that they might be possible but that doesn’t mean they have to exist.
General relativity is a mathematical theory its asset of equations that have many possible answers, but not all math describes relativity correctly, but they carry theoretical possibility and they are of certain kinds

Einstein Rosen bridges

The first kind of wormholes to be theorized were Einstein Rosen bridges, they describe every black holes as a sort of portal to an infinite parallel universe. empty space time is a flat but curved around it eventually space time become so warped that it has no choice but to collapse into black hole | a one way barrier from this event horizon in which anything can enter but nothing can escape trapped forever at the singularity at its core but there is possibility be there that there Is no singularity at its core  here one possibility is that the other side of the event horizon looks a bit like our universe again but mirror image of our there time flows backward may be our counter images are present there , in our universe things fall into the black holes but in the parallel there can be a white hole which is spewing things out a bit like a big bang , unfortunately this travel from black hole to white hole will take a infinite amount of time that is even going through speed we can never cross it .

                                                            String theory worm holes 

Our universe might even have a tangled web of countless wormholes already shortly after the big bang quantum fluctuation in the universe at the smallest scales for smaller than an atom may have created many traversable worm holes ,threaded through them are string called cosmic strings .in the first billionth of the trillionth of of a second after the big bang the ends of these tiny wormholes were pulled light year apart through the universe if wormholes were made in the early universe whether with cosmic strings or some other way they could be all over waiting yet to be discovered by us one might even be closer than we realize from the outside black holes and wormholes look very similar there can be chance that the super massive black hole present in the center of our milky way galaxy can be a worm hole
A worm hole must not contain any event horizon a sit will block our two way travel to nearby planet , the biggest problem is to keep our wormholes open as gravity would like to crush our wormholes to singularity there we would be required some sort of energy to keep it open it should be different from matter and anti-matter an ,exotic matter or negative energy is required. 

There is a dark side of worm holes as these worm holes would create time travel paradoxes violating the causal structure of our universe.
 Some Scientists still thinks that wormholes are impossible to exist but don’t worry they are still in our heart and on paper.

But hang on there is a good news for all of you that scientists of autonomous university if Barcelona have created a magnetic wormhole that appears to transfer a magnetic field through quote an extra special dimension.

For more space stuff do visit my site interstellarcolony.blogspot.com

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