How to find a dark matter 

We all know matter consists of atoms, stars, planets, galaxies, trees, rocks and absolutely ourselves.

But you will be glad to know that this matter consists of less than 5% of the known universe , as about 25% is dark matter and the remaining 70% is dark energy both of these dark matter and dark energy are invisible to us .

this pie chart shows more accurately the above written stats

Now a question which comes in our mind that  how we know that something termed as dark matter exists there should be some concrete proof for this?

The answer lies in our own galaxy, we know that our galaxy is a spiral one and has stars on its outer edges, according to physicist these star should be moving at much slower pace compared to the ones closer to the galaxy center (do you know at center of our galaxy there can be worm hole to know more about it just follow the given link ) but in reality all stars in our galaxy are orbiting around center point at nearly same speed. Scientists think that that’s dark matter influencing the effect of gravity and making the stars move the way they do.

The gravity of visible matter is not strong enough to form galaxies and complex structures. The stars would likely be scattered all over the place and not form galaxies, so we know there is something else inside and around them. Something that doesn’t emit or reflect as due to this fact only, we are not able to see it.

But hold a sec we can really see it as places with a high concentration of dark matter bend light passing nearby, so we know there’s something there that interacts with gravity.

A question may put in your mind that Is dark matter is an anti-matter?

But you will be glad to know that dark matter is not an anti-matter because anti matter produces unique gamma rays when it reacts with normal matter.

Dark matter is also not made up of black holes, as dark matters seems to be scattered all over the place while black hole is concentrated to single place.

Dark matter may be made up of exotic particles (to know about exotic particles just follow this link ) , that doesn’t interact with light and matter in a way we expect .

Dark energy is more strange and mysterious, in 1929, Edward Hubble examined how the wavelength of lights emitted by distant galaxies shift towards the red end of electromagnetic spectrum, as it travels through the space.
 He found that fainter, more distant galaxies showed a large degree of red shift, closer galaxies not so much, Hubble determined that this was because the universe itself is expanding. The red shift occurs because the wavelengths of light are stretched as the universe expands.

 Most recent discoveries have shown that the expansion that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Before that it was thought that the pull of gravity would cause the expansion to either slow down or even retract and collapse in on itself at some point, space doesn’t change its properties as it expands. new space is constantly created everywhere galaxies are tight bound cluster of stuff held together by gravity, so we doesn’t experience this expansion in our daily lives ; but we see it everywhere around us .

 So dark energy seems to be some kind of energy intrinsic to empty space energy that is stronger than anything else we know and it keeps getting stronger as time passes by empty space has more energy than everything else in the universe combined .

here are some theories as stated by scientists on dark energy

  1. ·        Dark energy is not a thing but an empty space. empty space is nothing , it has its own energy , it can generate more space and is quite active , so as the universe expands , it could be that just more and more space appears to fill the gaps and this leads to a faster expanding universe.
  1. ·        Next assumption is close to an idea that Einstein had back in 1917 of the concept of a cosmological constant a force that contracted the  force of gravity the only problem is that when we tried to calculate the amount of this energy , the result was so weird , that it only added to the confusion .
  1. ·        Another idea is that empty space is actually full of temporary virtual particles, that spontaneously and continually form from nothing and then disappearing into nothing again, the energy from these particles could be dark energy.
  1. ·        Maybe dark energy is an unknown kind of dynamic energy fluid or field, which permeates the universe, but somehow has the opposite effects on the universe than normal energy and matter.

Do you know that the ratio of dark matter to visible matter is   6:1 ?

                                this is the image of the Large Hadron Collider  looking for dark matter candidates.  

According to scientists an average person’s body at a given instant of time contains 10˄ (-22) kg of dark matter, and in total lifetime it is about a mg.

 A question in your mind may arise that what will be happen to us when our body will consists of majority of dark matter?

The answer is we will eventually disintegrate and our body will not appear as collective whole but the dark matter will interact gravitation-ally trapped by earth’s gravity and will circulate on the surface of earth.  it is more worse that we really have no clue , what dark matter and dark energy are , or how they work we are pretty sure they exists though dark matter is the stuff that makes it possible for galaxies to exist

We all know that we cannot smell, taste, see or hear dark matter yet we are knowing some important facts about dark matter.
We humans here on earth are just like apes with smartphones who are knowing literally nothing about our universe, but trying our best to find more of it.

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