You must be terrified after seeing this but jokes apart you must ,  after seeing this magnificent but horrifying view one must think about that this image could be fake but its not the thing as this image was clicked by Hubble space telescope in October of  (2019).

In World famous book “beyond good and evil” by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche , written that “and if thou gaze long into an abyss , the abyss will also gaze into thee” this statement was not been able to be understood by many people so thought that in there way that may be it means by an example that when a detective works on a murder case and involved in it , he sees the world in worse i.e. way without humanity.

Maybe we are seeing this image as skull because of our overthinking, but the thing is that this image shows two spiral galaxies colliding into each other these galaxies are approximately of same size which is very unnatural as normally large galaxies swallow smaller ones but this is not the case here.

death galaxy / skull galaxy 

This galaxy has been named as Arp-Madore 2026-414 as having uncanny resemblance with human skull.
It is a two galaxy system which is captured by Hubble in the midst of deadly head on collision .galaxies collide all the time , but for two galaxies to run into each other almost perfectly  head on is indeed .
The galaxies system that you are seeing in the image is about 704 light years away from us therefore it will certainly does not affect us in any manner.
We are seeing a skull like shape here because  below the eyes clumps of star forms this shape and surrounding to it there is a wide elliptical orbit around the galactic core.
So these are some of the important information about the skull galaxy or death galaxy.

Andromeda vs milky way

Now let us talk about  our own galaxy i.e. milky way, it’s this time that at which you need to be concerned as our galaxy is going to collide with our nearest neighborhood galaxy which is Andromeda as Andromeda is 2.5 billion light years away from us and is coming toward our galaxy at a speed of 68.3 miles / sec .

It’s quite horrifying, this is happening because of the gravity of two super massive black holes present in the center of the two galaxies, our solar system is like a small grain for it.


But our galaxy collision will not be like skull galaxy . In our case the galaxies will not collide head on , the milky way and Andromeda will start orbiting around each other along a common center of gravity and then will approach each other at a faster rate.

During the collision some of the stars will fall into new orbits within the Milky Way imagine just having a one more sun in solar system.

Some of the star planet system can also be thrown out into the deep space.
Or maybe our planet will collide with some other planet of Andromeda on having this  head on collision , our whole humanity will be vanished in an instant.

It is also possible that a new planet comes into our solar system which is having life, quite amazed by listening this.
You might be thinking about why these galaxies are coming towards each other as we all know the space is expanding because of dark energy to know about dark energy view,
the galaxies are colliding because of the huge gravity of super massive black hole which is not only bounding one galaxy together but also attracting other galaxies huge distance apart .
So these are some of the things that can happen during collision but majority of part is still unknown, as we human cannot say what the universe is hiding inside it.
There are at least 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe all colliding with each other .  Larger galaxies merge about every 9 billion years while smaller ones slam into each other even more often , 

there can also be third galaxy in our collision which is Triangulum galaxy or m33 a smaller satellite galaxy of Andromeda this is shaping up to be massive galactic mash up  eventually the two super massive black hole at the center of these galaxies would come so close to each other that they themselves would merge all the gases  taken up by this  resultant monstrous black hole . It would form a bright quasar at the center of the galaxy a spectacular show for us here on earth , too bad in reality for us as our sun is going to become a red giant and will engulf us till that time

Don’t be sad this is going to happen in a few billion years, so stay happy and enjoy the life to its fullest , and certainly if you want to know more about space stuff do see my posts on black holes or maybe life cycle of our sun.