proxima centauri b with its host star

Even if we are not going to evacuate earth in this century , then also we have to get prepare for it , because it would take at least a century for preparation of the interstellar mission , and generation to move at new location .
Our astronomers are working very hard to find places where humanity can settle and they have succeeded of finding some places , currently astronomers found 4100 exoplanets but unfortunately out of them only 161 are terrestrial planets like earth remaining others are gas giants or icy planets, and in these 161 exoplanets there is only a possibility that they can support humanity by having liquid water and an atmosphere. from these 161 exoplanets there is a  planet called proxima centauri b which is in the habitable zone of our sun’s nearest star that is proxima centauri .

constellation containing proxima centauri

Proxima centauri is basically a red dwarf and is only having 7.5 to 50 % of our sun’s mass i.e is perfect for future human colony as it is having a life of trillion years . it also contains hydrogen and helium as our sun .

Why we need to go to proxima centauri system ?

It is not important for us to go there today but will be important for us after 5 billion years as up to that time our sun will become red giant and will surely engulf us so for interstellar travel we need to start our preparation from now on.To know about our sun’s life cycle just visit 

How much time would it take to travel to proxima centauri system?

 Now here comes the negative as besides being the closest star to our sun its distance from us is 4.5 light years that is if we travel at a speed of light we would reach there in 4.5 years but it Is not possible in our case as technology of that level is yet to be discovered , so if we travel by our regular space shuttle with speed of 28000 km/h it would take 165000 years to reach their and if we travel at a highest speed achieved by humanity in space i.e. by voyager 1 which is 61000 km/h it would take 77000 years to reach their i.e. at least 1000 generations will spend their time in space .

How many people we need to send in interstellar ship ?

According to calculation we need 98 people to board on ship , these calculations are done by keeping in mind about infertility , miscarriage or death of any member .
Some offspring of them will never be able to see earth and proxima centauri, these offspring will have to tolerate all the space radiation and will shed there muscles and will loose there bone density as they have to live in zero gravity , after 1000 generation the genes of these people will be modified according to the space condition i.e they will have lower body mass larger head for proper blood flow as now they will be  having only brain which will be  working  at full potential ,  it definitely sounds like alien maybe they will become advance version of us with very high IQ and of course they will not be affected by radiation as they are used to it.

 What we need to know before going to proxima cenatary b?

According to astronomers proxima cenatari  b is in a system having 3 stars . The size of the planet is about 1.3 times the size of our earth and gravity of 0.95 to 1.4 g.

proxima centauri with two alpha centauri stars 

The planet might have an icy composition and have a thick layer of hydrogen on its surface, it has an orbital period of 11.2 earth days.
There can be a chance that tis exopalnet is stuck with the red dwarf i.e. one side of it will face toward star and other side there will be total darkness
Or maybe this planet is same as like earth but not yet discovered.

The triple star system consists of proxima cenaturi , alpha cenaturi A and alpha cenatarui B separated by 2 AU { 1 AU is equal to the distance between the sun and the earth }

The exoplanet is about 7.5 million km away fro  its host star while our earth is 150 million km away from the sun , it seem that the exoplanet is too close but its not the case as the the star has only 0.15% brightness compared to our sun and having only 60% radiation which is faced by earth at this huge distance .

so everything about this planet can only be revealed when we go there maybe there can be a case that this planet is already containing a life .