Pooping is not a new thing in outer space it purely depends upon where you poop in space.

1 In international space station

2 In outer space

3.In space suit

           Now our first case is what if you pooped in international space station?

You would be happy to know that ISS has its own bathrooms , let’s say you are up there on ISS and you need to go to the restroom , firstly you have to come to this cabin , and first thing you need to do is lift up the seat cover and place a bag inside it for collection of your poop , the bag is small so remember no need to overfill it because you also need to zip that bag ,

 if you want to poop more kindly take another bag after this  your bag will go to a chamber , if your destination is nearer than everything will be fine but if you are doing interstellar travel your poop will be recycled and will be used as a fertilizers or maybe there are chance of your eating your own poop. For urine there is pipe like piece of equipment which contains a fan to form suction force , astronauts also drinks their recycled urine .

this is a urine recycle machine

Now our second case is what if you pooped in outer space?

In outer space or we can say on some planet other earth your poop will fall on the surface depending upon the gravity of that planet more over due to decreased pressure boiling point of water at that pressure will be 20 to 30 degree Celsius therefore your poop will lose all its water content and will become very dry moreover it will burn up and will convert into ash if pressurized, due to the suns heat.
You will be glad to know that astaunots left their poop on moon in their past journey, they left vomit and urine, they left them in bags because these faecal material s are increasing their spaceship weight, now scientist are very curious they want to check the bag on the moon which the bag might have created life on moon because of the microbes contained in the bag. 

moon garbage

Now our third case is what if you pooped in your space suit?

Doing poop in spacesuit can never happen,  as astronauts wear diapers , but let’s assume a case in which you are the astronaut and you certainly forgot to wear a diaper in that case if you poop in that suit , than you will be suffocated because of the gases released from poop one of its major gasses which is methane can also kill you.

 Now lets think that what will happen if you farted in ISS ?

Farting is totally not allowed at ISS , because farting also releases methane gas which is very combustible and if catches fire can destroy everything at international space station .
Astronauts here on earth are trained well and they eat only that much which is required for their body , so farting on ISS can never be a case , moreover women periods cycle are also considered when they are leaving from earth . so there is no chance of any error .
You will be glad to know that when astronauts leave earth at that time also they wear diapers as at high altitude and low pressure their muscle get relaxes and there is a chance of spillage of matter inside them ,

 therefore whenever they travel they quickly have to go to the bathroom .

 astronaut's diaper

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